Burn Fat Build Muscle Summer 2012

For the longest time I could not do both effectively and efficiently .  I would either gain a lot of muscle and lose little fat or I would lose a lot of fat and gain little muscle.  Finally I think I have discovered a routine that does both effectively and efficiently.  After weeks of consistent testing, note taking, and data recording here it is.

I will posted my updated and finalized routine shortly. Until then, here are the results I got!

My results: Week 1 (updated)
+1.56 lbs increase trend
-3.6% body fat from start to end of 6th workout day.
+1.74 lean mass from start to end of 6th workout day.

+29% rep increase
+16.23% weight increase

My weight went slightly up and the loss of body fat ment it was a gain in muscle mass and fat loss; and most equal in results.  The increase of reps ment my muscle endurance increased allowing me to burn more calories and do more muscle fiber damage.  The increase in weight ment i was also getting stronger allowing me to lift more, therefore building more muscle to require more energy and in return increasing fat burn and muscle growth.

All this in 5 days.

I am going to continue and increase reps and weight to keep my body challenged.  As my cardio also improves ill continually up the levels and run for longer periods of time.

2nd round of workouts begin monday.

End of Week 2 Results:

lbs trend continues steady at +1.27 lbs
Body fat trend continues to decrease.
Lean mass tread continues at +0.8 lbs
The muscle endurance increase was +31%
The Weight increase was +19.44%
Run time increase +12 minutes each run.

The results are still positive but because of a weaker diet, my body began to burn some muscle slowing my muscle growth and fat burn.  I ate less and worked out harder.  This caused a greater need of energy but I wasn't giving it to my body so it used the next best thing. muscle.

End of Week 3 Results

Body weight stays pretty stead.
Body fat is dropping, -2.5% from the start
Lean mass has increased, +4.3 lbs of pure muscle
My strength has increased by +24.7%
My muscle endurance has increased by +71.9%
Average running distance increase slightly

Again, had a difficult time with all the traveling i've been doing keeping up with a good healthy and hight quantity low portion diet.  Drastically increasing the weights has spurred a lot of muscle growth seen by the increase in strength and lean mass.  If my diet didn't suck so bad again it would have dropped a lot more.


  1. My body weight is staying pretty steady at 175.6.   Only down by 1.4 lbs from when I started.  Thats a good thing, and heres why:
  2. My body Fat dropped to 16.62%.  Thats a loss of 3.38% body fat in 25 total workouts! 
  3. That means my lean mass went from 141ish from the start now to 146ish.  Thats a freak'n gain of lean mass of 5 pounds!  
  4. It gets even better.  My biceps have increased by 1/4inch, my forearm by over half an inch, and my waist shrank by over half an inch.  
  5. And thats not all; My upper body strength has improved by 57%, my lower body improved by 80%, and my total muscle endurance has improved by a whopping 106%.
FAT went down, MUSCLE went up by a lot.

All of this in 25 work outs, in 28 days...

BUT! I still have one more phase.  My routine will now take a turn for serious muscle growth now that my metabolism has sped up and will continue to burn fat to POWER LIFTING.  going to shock my muscles into building as much muscle as they can, in 1 to 2 weeks.


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