What's the deal with the forum? Q & A

What's the deal with the forum?  
That's a good question.  There are hundreds of millions of health sites out there all telling you all kinds of information.  There are hundreds of people who work for these sites or have some kind of invested interest in them.  Kinda sounds like someone trying to sale you their program or product.

What makes us different?
We make no money doing this! lol notice the sites we use.  We are like YOU.  We are you.  We are normal people using free services to help other normal people cut through the BS and sales pitches to find what works best and keep the truth out there.

Where does the forum come in?
The forum is a perfect tool to allow YOU voice your opinions and views, what works for you and what doesn't and to expose who is like a used car salesmen and who is actually wanting to help you and your health and fitness.  The Forum is your voice, your community, your support, Your way!

What about salesmen in the forum?
We expect this so we set up rules that prevent the solicitation of paid programs.  Of course they can talk about their results and how amazing it was and how it cured cancer but our Moderators will sniff out people just trying to promote a product that benefits them, and bann them ;)

Why not just only read the forum without joining?
For privacy reasons, solicitation reasons, and to protect truth; not all topics can be seen without being signed in.  Other key information for events that we host, can not be seen without signing in.  To forum a community we must also encourage and protect it.

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