Setting Goals

Ya we all want to lose all of our ugly fat and women want to br slim and toned while men want to ripped and swoll but realistically what is your month by month goals?  Before running to the gym or making any kind of effort for your fitness and health, you need to set monthly goals that can be examined bi-weekly.

Monthly Goals, Bi-weekly exams.
Monthly goals that can be examined bi-weekly serves very important purposes.  For one, it can validate or invalidate all your hard work so you don't bust your butt for minimal results.  You can see what is working and what is not so you can make changes to constantly see results.  Results show you what direction and pace your hard work is taking you.

To actually see the climb to reaching your goal is motivating too.  It makes you feel better about what your doing and will keep fuel in your tank for the long hall working out.

By setting monthly goals and examining your results bi-weekly you will not all prove what your doing is the right way to do it, but you will also build motivation to complete the fight to your goals.  Two very important purposes, motivation and proof.

Results are NOT your goal:
The reason why results are not your goal is because losing muscle when your trying to gain muscle is a posible result.  That is a result your don't want.  Yet, still a result.  Your goal should not be simply 'results' but more specifically what kind.  If your trying to gain muscle than your goal should be 10 pounds of muscle.  A specific realistic number.  This way anything that is not that number, is not your goal, no matter the results.

The same thing goes for having more than one goal a month.  Lets say I wanted to lose 4% body fat and maintain my current muscle mass were my goals.  After 2 weeks of working out i examine my progress and I've lost body fat but also lost muscle mass; that's not good.  Even though I am heading in the right direction in goal, i am failing in the other.

1 Month Goals:
For gaining muscle weight you might want to do research and find out what other people have been getting but for me when muscle gain is my focus I gain anywhere between 5 to 10 pounds in one month.  For body fat loss i've lost 6% in 30 days.

SET SPECIFIC AND REALISTIC GOALS that can be reached in a month and EXAMINE your progress and working out results every other week.  This will tell you if what your are doing is good or bad.  This gives you time to change to keep you from wasting your time.

If you have fat you want to burn, than that is a starting idea for your goal.  Give yourself a target fat loss and FIGHT to lose it!

If your skinny and want to gain muscle than that is a starting idea for your goal.  Give yourself a target muscle gain and FIGHT to gain it!

If your small and undefined and want to cut and gain mass those are starting ideas for your goals.  Give yourself a target fat loss and muscle gain and FIGHT!

In the end its simply picking realistic numbers and fighting for them in 30 days!  After those 30 days, you just do it again with even better numbers and goals.

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