What is “health” and “being true to yourself”?
To be “true” you have to be honest with yourself and honest with the reality you live in.  What is health?  Health can simply be defined as ‘a person's mental or physical condition’ in terms of being ‘free from illness or injury’.  Are you mentally healthy and free from any kind of mental illness or mental injury if you just look at yourself as a piece of flesh and meat and nothing more?  That is a very low value and standard of oneself.  

You are more than flesh and bones.
If there was more to your self than just being a piece of meat bringing greater meaning and value to your health; would you be true to yourself and healthy seeing less of yourself still?  Logic and reasoning compels us to say that seeing your self less in value despite the reality of being more valuable is not being true to yourself and is a poor state of health.  So if we are worth more and greater than just the muscle we build, what else adds to the value of living and of health?  The only logical and rational choice is there has to be something outside and separate of the flesh, blood, meat, and muscle that increases the value, standard, purpose and health of all reality.  What is his additional non physical reality that complements and improves overall health? Spirituality.

Here comes what most of you will think “oh great, here comes all the jesus freak buddha loving muhammad worshiping inspirational quotes”. Nope.  The only inspirational statements we are asking you to think about are the logical ones.  Answer these:

How valuable is your physical health?
What gives and lessons value to your health?

If your physical health only depends on how well you slow down your rate of death and how muscle you gain while how much fat you lose; if all of these are the greatest and highest way you measure your health, that's actually a pretty small scale with a small overall value.  Why? because
no matter how awesome you think you are with that standard, in the end, you're still going to lose it all.  You are going to lose your muscle, you're going to gain fat, and your health will become so poor that you will die, and there is no workout that will ever stop that.

Then what in the heck gives us this drive to be healthy?  If we already know we are going to die and lose everything we worked so hard to gain.   What is the point to maintain a healthy physique if its all in vain and going to be inevitably lost?  Ultimately the question is, where is the value in being physically health if our hard work and effort is pointless in the end?  

The easy answer is “well, it just gives me a few extra years in life to party hard before I can’t anymore”.  And right there is the catch.  That is a low view and low value of one's purpose if the ultimate and end reasoning for millions of minutes and years of effort at the gym is to have more time to ‘have fun’.  Some people are okay with that.  But here comes the ‘being true to yourself’ and the mental health of that way of seeing reality.  

Improving your piece of meat body so that you have more fun is an unhealthy view of one’s self.  The unwillingness to strive for greater value, greater purpose, and greater meaning for your health is also not being true to yourself.  This is not a ‘what's good for you may not be good for me’ idea is not true either.  Physical value alone just equals physical value.  Physical value plus non physical value equals something greater.  This is a truth and is true for all people at all times

What is nonphysical reality?
The most unified word and simplest understanding in the english language is ‘spirituality’. Something outside of this physical world adds purpose and value to what is in the physical world.

If your only purpose was to build muscle and burn fat.  Thats it, thats all your goal is and thats all the value it has.   But what if your ultimate purpose was to build muscle and burn fat so that your body would be more efficient to fulfill a spiritual purpose.  That’s a greater purpose bringing greater value to the body alone.

The issue of being true to oneself comes into play because what if there was nothing outside this physical reality?  Then would being ‘spiritual’ ultimately just be untrue to one’s self?  That is a huge and very important question.  Is being spiritual just lying to one’s self?  On the outside, it does in fact add value and purpose, this is true. On the inside it must also be true in itself to help someone be true to their self.  

Now I’m not going to get that deep into the philosophical arguments for spirituality but what I am going to say is that billions of people from all kinds of cultures from all over the world throughout history have fought and died for what they were convicted of and for what they know they had seen.  These people were willing to passively be tortured and murdered because they refuse to deny their spirituality. Imagine if they applied that knowledge, value, purpose and spiritual health to going to the gym.  

There are more people who live on this planet and have lived in the past throughout all history that believe and know that there is something greater than this physical reality.  If you're not convinced or never bothered searching for things greater than body building as your highest reason for going to the gym then that is on you and totally up to you.  But know that this purpose and value is fleeting, limited, small, and coming to an end no matter how awesome are good at it you are.  

Being true to yourself is finding all true means to improve your health.  If you know spirituality to be true, how is your spiritual health and what greater value has it added to your physical and mental health?  

We here at TRUE HEALTH & FITNESS have neglected our “TRUE” part of our promise to everyone who looks to us for truth.  We have sought to improve people's mental health in exposing lies and guiding toward truth; physical health in reviewing workouts, routines and so on, and now we seek to integrate helping and encouraging people’s spiritual health in relation to their fitness.

TRUE HEALTH & FITNESS is the sum and quality of overall health of one’s body, mind, and soul.  

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