Losing weight isn't always a 'good' thing

Some people want and need to lose weight, in some cases, a lot of weight.  Their over all health and future health depends on it.  But then there are some who are so obsessed with losing weight, even when they don't need too.

Some people want to be ripped so bad that they are willing to sacrifice lean muscle to get what they think is lean and ripped... This is kinda touched on in the article "Anorexic Ripped is not the same as Swoll Ripped". But here I am going to talk more directly about the goal of weight loss, not getting 'ripped'.

Losing weight can be good OR BAD.  Burning fat weight is good, burning muscle weight (when you only weigh 150lbs) is not good.  To cheer on a victorious goal of losing weight of fat and muscle when you are already skinny is idiotic.  Ya it might make your ego feel better, but you are less healthy not more.

Losing muscle can come in a few ways.  Poor diet, and amped up cardio are usually the causes for this. If your goal is to lose weight and get lean and ripped... why in the heck would you ever want to lose the muscle that you want to keep?  That is idiotic.  Some times this way of thinking also comes from "

If your losing weight, including muscle, yet you want to be ripped... my nephew is 8 and according to that logic, he is ripped.  If you want to keep the muscle you have, your routine or diet has to change!  If your eating regularly and even simi-healthy, chances are your workout routine is the problem.

  1. Focus on your diet: up the carbs and eat regularly
  2. Change your workout routine: use different resistance, or workout styles or routines.

OR Become "ripped anorexic" and lose lean muscle...

Here is another good article about this issue: http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/how-to-lose-fat-without-losing-muscle/

and another: http://www.nutralegacy.com/blog/general-healthcare/picking-bad-diets-can-lead-to-loss-of-muscle-tone/

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