Body Evolution Fitness Routine & Program
- 1 to 1 1/2 hour workouts twice a day
- 40 to 56 days
- +1 to 7 lbs of Muscle
- -1% to -7% of body fat
- Results vary based on the quality of diet, consistency and dedication to routine, and intensity of workouts.
Essential items - These items are required to be successful with this routine. Without these items there is no guarantee you will achieve the results you want. Before you commit to this routine make sure you can acquire all the items.
Daily Diet - This is one of the most important areas of the entire routine. Working out everyday will not work without this. The odds are you will need to do grocery shopping to acquire the most beneficial foods. Unlike other fitness systems and routines this one allows you to customize your own diet as long as you follow the basic guidelines. If you can not stick to this diet, the routine will not work and your results will be minimal to none.
Daily Schedule - The timing of when you eat and when you workout also plays a huge role in this routine. Having a consistent schedule to train your body to fit the goals this routine will give you is important. This will speed up your metabolism and keep your body from burning muscle. If you can not be consistent, the results won’t be either.
Routine Over-view - This routine is made up of 4 fitness phases. Each phase has its own goal but also prepares your body for the next phase and achieving your next goal. Begins with speeding up your metabolism and improving your muscle endurance then moves to weights to increase muscle endurance; then shifts from muscle endurance to building muscle, all while still supporting your metabolism and fat burning. Finally it ends with nothing but powerlifting and muscle building. Once all your goals have been nailed and all the phases complete, you can go back to phase one and continue your fitness progress.
NO FAT - 0gs
LOW SUGAR - 5gs or less per serving
HIGH PROTEIN - have the number of grams equal to your body weight.
VITAMINS & MINERALS: CTD's Multi-Elite, Korean Panax Ginseng, Acetyl L-Carnitine HCI, Cinnamon, Lycopene, and L-Arginine. (
note: no fat, low sugar is sometimes impossible so always try to keep all grams per serving for fat and sugar below 5.
Palm/fist size meals, every 2 to 3 hours.
Carb intake for breakfast, snacks before lunch, and for lunch; none after that point.
Isolate Protein Shake after every workout
Why: Help speed put the metabolism; have available carbs for energy burn during the workout but not enough to store.
Breakfast, early snacks, or lunch:
- Bran Flakes Cereal with So Delicious Almond Plus Unsweetened Milk.
- Whole Grain quick Oats.
- Whey Protein meal replacement shake.
- Whole Wheat pasta and grilled Chicken.
- Nature's Own Double Fiber Wheat Bread chicken sandwich with fat free cheese and spinach.
- All Whites liquid Eggs with whole wheat pancakes and fat/sugar free syrup.
- Mahatma Brown Rice with grilled Chicken.
- Grilled Chicken spinach salad with mixed nuts and fat free dressing.
- All Whites liquid Eggs with vegetables.
- Nature's Own Double Fiber Wheat Bread turkey sandwich with fat free cheese and spinach.
- Smoked turkey and steamed vegetables.
- Turkey burger on wheat buns with fat free cheese and spinach.
- New Running Shoes - The amount of miles you will do during this routine, a new pair of shoes is recommended.
- Stopwatch - to time your workouts
- Body weight scale - keep track of your weight.
- New food (see daily diet)
- Beach Towel - this will be used in the first phase.
- 25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65 pound weights (gym or apartment gym hop) this will be required for all phases past one.
- Isoconcentrate Protein shake (fat free, sugar free, high protein) - important for recovery.
- Vitamins & minerals (see daily diet) - to make sure your body is getting everything it needs.
- Journal Book - to keep track of all your information throughout the routine.
Tape measure - used to measure specific areas of your body to calculate your body fat.
Body Fat Calculator website - used to calculate body fat with the measurements.
MapMyFitness App to track running - track distance, time, and calories burned.
MyFitnessPal App for tracking calories - track exact daily calorie intake.
Weight lifting Gloves
Meal Replacement time release protein shake
Not everyone has the same schedule so plan the routine to fit your schedule. Anyone can do this routine if they plan correctly and consistently.
- Beginning of the day: Breakfast then Lunch 3 hours later.
- Mid day workout: Workout 1 hour after lunch then have your isolate protein shake and a snack.
- Late day meal: Dinner should be 3 hours after shake and snack.
- Night Running: Run 2 hours after dinner then have one last snack after running.
Ways to have time for all the meals:
- Pre-cook the snack or meal
- Make snack or meal to-go.
If you're at work or school a majority of the day:
- Workout before or immediately after work or school.
- Bring your meals with you.
- Bring your workout items with you.
- Use the facilities close to you.
- What ever you have to do, be consistent.
9:00am - Breakfast
12:00pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Workout + Protein Shake and Snack
5:30pm - Dinner
8:00pm - Running
9:00pm - Last snack
Body Evolution Fitness routine is broken up into 4 phases. Each phase serves its own purpose but also prepares your body for the next phase. Basically it starts your body from scratch for fitness then builds your fitness up and evolves it into a fitness machine.
Phase 1 begins the process of ramping up your body's need for energy and its search for what to burn. In combination with your diet timing, your body will learn when and where to find its energy without burning through your muscle. During this time your muscles will be worked in such a way that your muscle endurance will begin to be challenged and increase. Using your body weight and some iso-tension workouts your muscle will gradually be able to endure more and more as you continue to challenge them.
Phase 2 kicks in before your body gets a chance to adjust and palto. As your body continues to burn the carbs you take in and your muscle endurance increases from phase 2; now you begin to use weight training to shock your muscles into striving for more improvement. This increase in muscle work will also increase the need for energy. While your muscle endurance keeps increasing, and your body burns carbs and fat for this new resistance, your body will also begin to adapt and build muscle to make the weight lifting easier. During this phase you will increase sets, reps, and weight to continually challenge your body.
Phase 3 is the most difficult phase. At this point your metabolism is moving, your losing body fat, and you are able to do a bunch more reps then when you started. Now we want to spark your body into building a lot of muscle while still burning fat. You are still doing the same kind of workouts but now they are broken up into more sets so that you can constantly increase the weight.
Phase 4 is the final phase. Now that your muscles can endure more punishment, your body is efficiently burning energy and transporting nutrients, you can now focus on building straight muscle. You will do this by increasing the number of sets again and only increasing the weight. The reps will be small the but amount of weight you will be lifting will be more than ever. The key is to keep this phase just as intense as all the other phases. Push the weight, and keep running to keep burning excess carbs and maintain metabolism.
After all these phases are complete, your body fat should be down, weight may do down slightly, and your lean mass should be up. Just as your body adjusts to phase 4, go back the phase 1 and start it all over again to get the results you want.
Body weight & Iso-tention workouts
Items needed:
- Towel
- Stop watch (app)
Getting Started:
- Only 1 set for each workout
- Time how many reps you can do for each workout in 1 minute.
- Every time you do the workout, beat the number of reps you completed last time. Constantly improve reps every workout.
reverse push up outter
reverse push up inner
bird dog outer (R&L)
bird dog backwards (R&L)
lower back hyperextentions
Chin pull ups outter
Chin pull ups innter (+bicep)
Jumpping Jacks
Basic Push Ups
Incline Push Ups
Wide Push ups
Dimond Push ups (+tricep)
Low close push ups (+tricep)
decline Push Ups
Push ups hands to the sky
Jumpping Jacks
Bicep, Tricep, Shoulders
Towel Resistance Curls (R&L)
Towel Resistance Hammer curls (R&L)
Horizontal tricep push up (R&L)
Tricep dips
Hunched Military Press
Towel Resistance Front raises (R&L)
Towel Resistance Side raises (R&L)
Jumpping Jacks
Stomach, Obliques
Sisser Kicks
Left lift splits
V-up Crunches
Oblique Crunches
Elevated leg Crunches
Full Sit ups
Bicycle Crunches
Jumpping Jacks
Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
Basic Squats
Basic Lunges (R&L)
Side Lunges (R&L)
Face down Leg raises (R&L)
Single calve Raise (R&L)
Reverse Calve Raises
Seated Calve rasies w/ push resistance
Jumpping Jacks
Items needed:
- Dumb Bells
- Gloves for weight lifting
- Stop watch (app)
- Bench
Getting Started:
- Only 1 set for each workout for the first week. Then 2 sets for the second week.
- Time how many reps you can do for each "(1)" workout in 1 minute. For the second week, add the "(2)" workouts and time them as well.
- Every time you do the workout, beat the number of reps you completed last time. Constantly improve reps every workout.
- Choose a weight that is easy enough to do over 15 reps but heavy enough to burn and become hard after 45 seconds of reps.
(1) One-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows
(2) Dumbell Bent-Over Back Flies
Jumpping Jacks
(1) Dumbbell Bench Press
(2) Dumbbell Flyes
Jumpping Jacks
Bicep, Tricep, Shoulders
(1) Standing Dumbbell Curls
(2) Standing Hammer Curls
(1) Dumbbell Extensions
(2) One-Arm Dumbbell Kickbacks
(1) Dumbbell Military Press
(2) Dumbbell Front Lifts
(1) Dumbbell Shrugs
Jumpping Jacks
Stomach, Obliques
Sisser Kicks
Left lift splits
V-up Crunches
Oblique Crunches
Elevated leg Crunches
Full Sit ups
Bicycle Crunches
Jumpping Jacks
Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
(1) Dumbbell Lunges (L&R)
(1) Dumbbell Squats
(1) Standing Calf Raises
(2) Single-Leg Calf Press (L&R)
Jumpping Jacks
Items needed:
- Dumb Bells
- Gloves for weight lifting
- Bench
Getting Started:
- Begin with 2 sets then 3 sets for the next week.
- Start with work outs labeled (1) and (2). The next week add sets labeled (3)
- The reps are chosen by how many were completed in Phase 2, divided by the number of sets in this phase ( 2 or 3).
- Choose a weight based on what was done in Phase 2 plus 5 lbs.
- Increase reps when the workouts become easier for the fist week. In the second week increase the weight instead.
- Do upper body one day, and lower body the next
- Day 1 - Back, Chest, and Arms
- Day 2 - Stomach, and legs
(1) One-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows
(2) Dumbell Bent-Over Back Flies
(3) Dumbell Pull-Overs
(3) Machine Lat Pull Downs
Jumpping Jacks
(1) Dumbbell Bench Press
(2) Dumbbell Flyes
(3) Dumbbell Inside Press
(3) Machine flyes
(3) Push Ups
Jumpping Jacks
Bicep, Tricep, Shoulders
(1) Standing Dumbbell Curls
(2) Standing Hammer Curls
(3) Machine Bicep Curls
(1) Dumbbell Extensions
(2) One-Arm Dumbbell Kickbacks
(3) Dumbbell Skull Crushers
(3) Dimond Push Ups
(1) Dumbbell Military Press
(2) Dumbbell Front Lifts
(3) Dumbbell Side Lifts (L&R)
(1) Dumbbell Upright Rows
(1) Dumbbell Shrugs
(1) Jumping Jacks
Stomach, Obliques
Sisser Kicks
Left lift splits
V-up Crunches
Oblique Crunches
Elevated leg Crunches
Full Sit ups
Bicycle Crunches
Jumpping Jacks
Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
(1) Dumbbell Lunges (L&R)
(1) Dumbbell Squats
(3) Machine Leg Press
(1) Standing Calf Raises
(3) Machine Leg Press (caf press)
(2) Single-Leg Calf Press (L&R)
(3) Side Lunges (L&R)
(1) Jumping Jacks
Items needed:
- Dumb Bells
- Gloves for weight lifting
- Bench
Getting Started:
- Begin with 3 sets then 4 sets for the next week.
- Do all workouts, 1,2, and 3.
- The reps are chosen by how many were completed in Phase 3, divided by the number of sets in this phase ( 3 or 4).
- Choose a weight based on what was done in Phase 3, plus 5 lbs or more.
- Increase the weight when the workouts become easier.
- Do only 2 muscle groups per day
- Workout 1 - Back & Biceps
- Workout 2 - Chest & Triceps
- Workout 3 - Shoulders, Stomach, and obliques
- Workout 4 - Legs
(1) One-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows
(2) Dumbell Bent-Over Back Flies
(3) Dumbell Pull-Overs
(3) Machine Lat Pull Downs
Jumpping Jacks
(1) Dumbbell Bench Press
(2) Dumbbell Flyes
(3) Dumbbell Inside Press
(3) Machine flyes
(3) Push Ups
Jumpping Jacks
Bicep, Tricep, Shoulders
(1) Standing Dumbbell Curls
(2) Standing Hammer Curls
(3) Machine Bicep Curls
(1) Dumbbell Extensions
(2) One-Arm Dumbbell Kickbacks
(3) Dumbbell Skull Crushers
(3) Dimond Push Ups
(1) Dumbbell Military Press
(2) Dumbbell Front Lifts
(3) Dumbbell Side Lifts (L&R)
(1) Dumbbell Upright Rows
(1) Dumbbell Shrugs
(1) Jumping Jacks
Stomach, Obliques
Sisser Kicks
Left lift splits
V-up Crunches
Oblique Crunches
Elevated leg Crunches
Full Sit ups
Bicycle Crunches
Jumpping Jacks
Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
(1) Dumbbell Lunges (L&R)
(1) Dumbbell Squats
(3) Machine Leg Press
(1) Standing Calf Raises
(3) Machine Leg Press (caf press)
(2) Single-Leg Calf Press (L&R)
(3) Side Lunges (L&R)
(1) Jumping Jacks
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