Five Eight Power Lifting Routine

5-8 Power Lifting Routine:

  • 45 to 1 hour 1/2 workouts
  • 5 to 15 pounds of muscle gained (with a quality diet and supplements)

This routine has worked for me time and time again:
  1. first find your max on each muscle group.  Pick a basic workout that will test that specific muscle group. 
    1. Choose a mixture of Dumbbells, Cables, and machines;
    2. 3 to 5 workouts per muscle group.
    3. Pick on of the workouts to be the max test of that muscle.
  2. After finding your max the amount of weight for each rep with be based on that.
  3. 5 sets of 8 reps for each workout.  
    1. First rep is like a warm up.  only 10% of your max weight.  
    2. 2nd rep should be heavier, about 25% of your max.  
    3. 3rd rep should be difficult but not hard, about 50% of your max.  
    4. 4th rep should be hard and about 75% of your max.  
    5. The 5th and final set should be about 90 to 100% of your max.  You should not be able to compete this set.  If you can, you didn't do enough weight.
  4. This is done for each muscle group.  It takes about 5 workouts per muscle group to effectively damage the muscle tissue.  
    1. Its good to only do 2 muscle groups per day this way your body has time to recover and be fully healed for the next workout of the same muscle.
  5. Example weekly routine: 
    1. Monday would be bis and back
    2. Tuesday would be chest and tris
    3. Wednesday would be shoulders, traps, 
    4. Thursday would be legs, and stomach.
    5. Friday would be your focused group that you want the most results from.

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