Program Prep

Before starting a workout program and routine there are things you need to prepare for, before jumping into the it.  Budget, Equipment, Supplements, Diet, Workout, and Schedule.

1.   Equipment:
This actually depends a lot of what kind of workouts your going to be doing.  Generally weight lifting gloves, gym shoes, shorts, and shirt, journal, stop watch (cell phone apps), a couple shaker cups, gym  bag, scale, and ipod; these are pretty basic for any kind of workout.  Chances are you already have most of this stuff but if you don't all of this stuff can cost anywhere between $150-$185

2.   Supplements:
This also depends on your goals and the kind of workouts you will be doing.  But for maximum aid pre-workouts, during workouts, and post workout drinks are always useful. (see Supplements page for more info).  These 3 items together can cost anywhere between $75-$125.

3.   Diet:
Chances are, if you haven't been very worried about your diet in a while, that most of the crap in your refrigerator needs to be replaced.  Going out and doing grocery shopping is a good idea.  Only stocking your kitchen with healthy food, will also force you to eat more healthy.  Also its good to buy foods that can also be taken with you if you some times don't have time to make meals at home.  This way you maintain a healthy diet, while you are out and about. (see Diet page for more info and ideas).  Healthy meals for a month, for a single person, can cost anywhere between $50-$100.

4.   Workout:
Here is where you research and find what workouts will best help you achieve your goals in the least amount of time.  Stretches, Yoga, Calisthenics, plyometrics, running, and the different kinds of resistance training for example.  You can even find a whole program and workout routine already figured out for you (see Routines for more information and ideas).  Honestly there is no reason to spend a dime in this area because you can do all the simple and easy homework your self.

5.   Schedule:
Look at all the things you still need to take care of before you can start like grocery shopping and buying equipment or supplements and plan enough time to get those taken care of but give your self a staring date.  Also look at your work, school, and family schedule and find workouts or a routine that best fits your schedule.

Write out a weekly workout list and after each workout write in your journal.  If you have to get a simple and basic day-planner just for your fitness schedule.  Also include your diet schedule in here and what meals you will have and when.  I personally used Spreadsheet and typed one up myself.  This wont only help you get to your goal but it will also help you become more organized, motivated, accountable, and disciplined.

6.   Budget:
After you have looked at what equipment you need, what supplements you want, what groceries you need to buy, and any other cost you need in order to get in the best shape of your life, write out a budget on coming up with the funds to begin the process of nailing your goals.  This is a part of workout out too!  This is where you learn planning, organization, discipline, and other mental factors that will help you when your at the gym.

If you need all the things above, the low cost could be anywhere around $250-$285 and the high cost could be anywhere around $385-$400.  Keep in mind, this is if you lack a lot of diet and fitness essentials.  If you already have most of this stuff, your costs are going to be a lot lower, and if you already workout, you probably just need to do some grocery shopping and pick up some supplements.

Get Ready!
When you have achieved the goals of getting the 6 Program Pre issues ready, the last thing you need to do before your first day of working out is:

Record your starting data

  1. Measure your body fat %
  2. Take a wist, hip, neck, wrist, bicep, quad, and calve measurement in inches.
  3. Record your current total weight
  4. Find your Fat Free Mass Index number (FFMI)
  5. If your counting calories, you want to find your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) number to know how many calories to intake to lose or gain weight.

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